Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I've been told that three year olds are an obsessive bunch. That these little obsessive tendencies are a means of control and making their own choices. I gotta tell you, Jon and I sometimes wonder about our dear little three year old girl....

Payton's top"obsessions" lately include the following:
1. She is constantly asking "What name is it?" She must have names attached to every object... flies, strangers, characters in books, etc. Inevitably, the next question is "Where did you get this book?" We tell her everything comes from Target.
2. Payton must know if something is big or a baby/little. Things that are "babies" are less scary. Is it a baby bee or a big bee? Is it a big fly or a baby fly?
3. I don't even have the energy to explain the bedtime ritual.....
4. She always needs a "big" milk or a "big" icy water. Big implies a full cup that is COLD.
5. On the way to wherever we are going, she must ask where we are going about 50 times.

I know most of you probably think these things do not seem annoying, maybe even cute. Sometimes they are incredibly endearing. Most times, they make both of us want to scream! Or collapse on the couch at 8:18 pm, trying to justify going to bed when there is still light outside....


Anonymous said...

so funny...ella does SO many similar things...everyone needs a name, the baby/big thing...and she also does, "when i get big, i am going to do that too..." to anything she can't do now....funny, but annoying - i agree. where's the mute button?

DeeDee said...

is it the same bed time ritual that cory kline did at camp? "cory kline doesn't wannnnnna go to bed!"