Wednesday, July 9, 2008

No Drama!

I took Payton and Sam to our new day care provider's house yesterday for the day to get them a bit used to her before next week when I head back to work. I did not sleep well the night before, preparing myself for tears, clinging, etc. She was excited the day before- we had gone and picked out a bunch of swim toys to take over (Jen has a pool) and we packed her backpack with things she wanted to show the kids over there.

I ASSUMED the worst, and figured that the initial excitement would wear off by the time we would have to leave yesterday. When Jon put her in her car seat right before we were going to leave, she said "I am scared to go to Jen's house, Daddy" and "Will you call me later, Daddy?". She's never articulated the word "scared" before in that context... I was so surprised, and it about broke both of our hearts.

Long story short, we got there and there were NO tears. A little clinging but NOTHING ELSE. I about died. Both of them had great days! They have two little dogs which Payton adored, and they got to go swimming. Jon called Payton as promised, and she wouldn't even talk to him... she just kept laughing and running away from the phone.

I guess I can save the rest of my anxiety for starting my new job; T-minus one week!

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