Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Peace Preschool

Yeah! We found a preschool for Payton, one that doesn't require an entry interview (or for the child to be potty-trained... at our rate, that is never going to happen!). I went with two girlfriends of mine to look at a couple places that we had narrowed down to ones in our price range and that are fairly close to our house. We all really liked Peace Preschool. The preschool director was so warm and friendly, and the class was well organized and the kids looked so happy. The word "warm" just keeps coming to mind over and over again. I think Payton, who takes a long time to adjust to things, will really thrive in this kind of school. As I was sitting there in the car on the way home, I felt a twinge of sadness. My little girl is growing up. She's a month shy of three, and I don't know where the time went. I know it sounds hokey, but it's scary how fast it all goes. Big sigh. Anyway, keep your fingers crossed that we get in!

1 comment:

DeeDee said...

She's so precious, who could say no! :-)